From Footy Club Dietitian to Superfood Star


Melbourne, Australia, 31st August 2017, AusMumpreneur Rising Star 2017 winner, Hayley Blieden worked as a dietitian for the North Melbourne Football Club.

Hayley says: “I was working with professional athletes who were trying to gain an edge from their nutritional intake. They were consuming imported superfoods for their nutritional density. This got me thinking, what have we missed? What sustained indigenous Australians for over 60,000 years in some of the harshest climates.”

“I explored the nutritional content and current farming practices of Australian bush tucker. I was amazed that our local superfoods have exceptional nutritional

qualities, which far exceed many of the more commonly known imported superfoods. Kakadu Plum, for example, has 100 times the vitamin C content of an orange.”

The Australian Superfood Co was founded in 2015. TASC is one of the only commercial brands harnessing and promoting Australia’s native ingredients. The ingredients are sourced from indigenous communities and local growers. They are then freeze dried to maintain their nutritional value, and incorporated into a range of health food products.

Hayley states: “We’d like to see Wattleseed, Finger Lime, Kakadu Plum, Lemon Myrtle and many more native Australian ingredients sitting in all Australian pantries alongside cinnamon, clove and turmeric.”

Extracted from The Melbourne Jewish Report October 2017.


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