Salt & Pepper Squid With Lemon Myrtle

Season your grilled calamari with native Australian herbs! This recipe adds a bit of zing and spice to the classic salt and pepper squid recipe, using Lemon Myrtle and Mountain Pepper Leaf.


  1. Wash the calamari hoods and cut into triangles or squares
  2. Mix the flour with the lemon myrtle in a bowl and roll the squid pieces through the flour mixture
  3. Heat the macadamia oil and butter in a wok. Add the saltbush and mountain pepper and cook for 30 seconds
  4. Shake off excess flour from the squid and add to the wok in batches and cook until it begins to curl. Remove from oil and drain on a paper towel.

Serve over a bed of salad with lemon wedges.

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