Winter Market Report


Winter is here, and although it might be colder, it’s not all bad news. In fact, when it comes to harvesting native ingredients, this time of year brings great rewards.

We work closely with farmers and source our crops directly from the farm. This means we have our finger on the pulse of harvest seasons and the amount of product that is being harvested. It also means, unfortunately, that when weather wrecks havoc on farmers and their crop, we recognize their suffering and struggle and do our best to help them out with whatever crop they are still able to offer us.

Here’s what’s been happening on the farm or coming up in the months ahead:

Davidson Plum

The Queensland Davidson Plum are currently in their ripening season, getting ready for harvest until July. This fruit ripens in stages, and is harvested over a period of weeks as the fruit matures. It is actually picked off the ground, in the morning and afternoon, so you know it is time for harvest when the ground is full of fruit!

Kakadu Plum

Kakadu Plum is nearing the end of its harvest and picking time, in some regions of the country where harvest carries into July. The season occurs in different months depending on the area of Australia, allowing us to regularly have access to Kakadu Plum throughout the year.

Mountain Pepperberry

This Tasmanian special has just hit the end of harvest season. While the leaves can be harvested until September, the berries have a shorter harvest season and can be enjoyed fresh after harvest or freeze dried to maintain their peppery flavour and impressive antioxidant properties.

Strawberry Gum, Cinnamon Myrtle and Aniseed Myrtle can be harvested throughout the year, and harvest is ongoing to maintain fresh, quality products.

Want to learn more about our connection to the farmers and our commitment to community?  We’re here to help and want to tell you all about our work in promoting indigenous products and supporting the industry.


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